Saturday, October 23, 2021

More From Cleaning Out The "Toybox"

Going through all the photos on Facebook before deleting them, I found this photo I took from taking off the layers of upholstery on the berth benches that Larry D (owner of "Good Woman")gave me. You can see all the layers of fabric over 91 years of maintenance. The diamond pattern looks like the original. It was all too gross to keep, but I kept all the hardware including the spring frame so I can remake the upper berths and install them next year.

Larry is restoring his 1930 Elco Marinette, but reconfiguring much of it below, so I am benefitting by receiving his original hardware, etc. Most of it is hand sand-casted bronze.

Looking forward to the day we can get Ruby, Good Woman, and Volta all together for a mini flotilla.

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It's a Sign!

She loves sitting on her dock. Soon we will celebrate her 94th birthday!  Now to mow that lawn...